Wednesday 8 October 2014

Ten Powerful Negotiating Tips That Will Help You Close The Deal!

Set your negotiation objectives – aim high! Research shows a strong link between ambitious goals and higher levels of performance.  Make sure you write your negotiation goals down.  The act of committing them to paper will maximise your chances of achieving them. 

Know your LIM.  Have a range for your negotiation objectives.  LIKE is your ideal outcome, INTEND is your realistic assessment    of what is possible, MUST is your absolute walk away point – and you must know what this is before your start negotiating.

Know your BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement).  This is your Plan B, your contingency plan should you not be able to secure the deal.  Having a BATNA is a good source of power and stops you coming across as too needy in the negotiation.

Ask lots of direct questions and listen the answer.  Effective negotiators ask effective questions.  Plan the information you need to gather and your questions in advance.
Give them a good listening to!  Research shows that effective negotiators seek information almost twice as much as they give information.

Seek information – Give information.  Before you can bargain effectively you need to understand the others sides needs, wants, desires, fears, priorities and timescales.  You will also need to communicate what is important to you too!

Understand their motives and what they want. Get out of your head and get inside their head.  See the world through their eyes.

Focus on underlying needs rather than positions.  Behind every position, demand, request or question lays a need.  What is it?

Summarise regularly.  Summaries help to keep the negotiation on track and encourage a sense of progress. If in doubt – summarise.

Give To Get!  There is nothing wrong with giving so long as you get something back of equal or greater commercial value in return. Trade low cost for high value (and vice versa).  Look for things you can offer that cost you little but could mean a lot to the other party.  For example, you could do the deal very quickly and meet their pressing deadline.  It won’t cost you anything extra to move quickly but it may be essential to them!

Simon Hazeldine MSc FinstSMM is an international speaker and consultant in the areas of sales, negotiation, performance leadership and applied neuroscience.
He is the bestselling author of five business books:

·   Neuro-Sell: How Neuroscience Can Power Your Sales Success
·   Bare Knuckle Selling
·   Bare Knuckle Negotiating
·   Bare Knuckle Customer Service
·  The Inner Winner

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